Training & Facilitation

What is Training & Facilitation?

Contributes to a more dynamic, skilled, and cohesive workforce, ultimately driving the success of the organization.

  1. Enhanced Skill Sets

    Training programs designed to improve the skills and knowledge of employees, leading to increased productivity and better job performance

  2. Improved Communication

    IAF Certified Facilitators enhance communication among team members, leading to more effective collaboration and problem-solving.

  1. Increased Employee Engagement

    Training sessions boost morale and motivation, making employees feel valued and invested in their work and the company.

  2. Adaptability to Change

    Regular training and facilitation helps employees adapt to new technologies, processes, and industry standards, ensuring the organization remains competitive and resilient.

The M2 Advantage

Certified Trainers and Facilitators Drive Success to Foster Change

IAF Certififed Facilitators
  • Facilitators are trained by International Association of Facilitators and are experts at virtual training
ADDIE Training Framework
  • Proven 5-phase instructional design framework
  • Tailored to our clients' requirements to provide a comprehensive, and cohesive training program
Optimize your instructional design framework

Tailored ADDIE training methodology


  • Define scope and review curriculum and goals

  • Leverage M2's repeatable tools and Smartsheet templates


  • Backwards planning to emphasizes beginning the design process with the final goals in mind

  • Design learning outcomes, assessments, and content


  • Turn drafts into learning materials

  • Develop in training software, pilot test, and receive continuous feedback

Implement and Evaluate

  • Implement and monitor learners' progress and incorporate feedback into future training

  • Support learners and facilitate training

Ready To Engage our Training and Facilitation Experts?

A strategy and management consulting firm whose motto, Think Differently & Work Smarter, is integrated in all components of our solutions and operations.

7900 Tysons One Pl, Ste 240 McLean, VA 22102

Phone: (703) 822-5600